Think. Train. Thrive.
Webrain Think Tank provides technology-focused business intelligence development, consultation, and guidance to Global 1000 companies in Japan and America. Located in Seattle Washington, the the beautiful Pacific Northwest, Webrain has been providing corporate intelligence retreat programs and strategic advisory services to our clients for almost 20 years. Our motto, Think, Train, Thrive (3Ts™) permeates through everything we do for – and instill in – our clients. Our programs are designed not only to promote corporate growth and success, but to achieve it on an individual level as well.
From 1999 to 2018, Webrain Think Tank and Mitsui & Co. (USA) Inc. operated a joint project under the name Webrain Lab.

Webrain has assembled a powerful team with decades of experience.

As a practicing attorney for the past 20+ years, Dwight has cultivated extensive experience working with multinational companies as they investigate and conduct transactions with US entities, including representing clients on multi-billion-dollar acquisitions. With his focus on Asia/US business relations, Dwight provides Webrain clients with a deep knowledge of cross-cultural issues related to a wide range of areas, including manufacturing, technology, software, IT, and services. His in-depth knowledge of corporate legal and governance issues ensures that Dwight can safely guide clients through crisis situations and critical decision-making and communication events by employing Webrain’s Strategic Crisis Management (SCM), Strategic Opinion Service (SOS), and Strategic Communication Service (SCS) programs.
Dwight’s practical expertise spans M&A, divestitures, joint ventures, investment financing (equity and debt), strategic alliances, post-merger integration, and corporate governance and compliance issues. Dwight’s unmatched background forms the foundation for his leadership as the President of Webrain, and gives our clients a unique and powerful resource as they navigate complex cross-cultural business transactions and relations.

EVP and Co-Founder
During his 30+ years of international sales and business development, Masa has focused on creating powerful tools, processes, and training programs dedicated to initiating, conducting, and improving cross-cultural business practices. With deep experience in new customer acquisition, customer retention, business development, product and service design, Masa has expertly shaped Webrain’s service offerings to bring unparalleled intellectual and strategic value to your teams. This includes guiding teams through strategic design and cross-cultural operations, strategic alliance, join venture and investment, training programs and tactical PMI consultation.
After working for 10 years in Japan and 2 years in London, Masa moved to the US and worked for one of the largest Japanese trading companies in their New York and Silicon Valley offices before settling at their Seattle office in 1995. During this time, Masa focused on new business development in cross-border settings for contents development, system development, software service, and localization. This included several multi-million-dollar new revenue acquisitions which have continued successfully for decades. With Webrain, Masa draws upon his extensive experience and cutting-edge business acumen while working closely with client teams to inspire, find pain points and solutions, and develop innovative product and service ideas that can lead to connecting new revenue streams.
Behind the scenes, a seasoned team of five experts use their wide array of skills to support Dwight and Masa with the day-to-day activities at Webrain. Altogether, the team possesses extensive in-the-trenches know-how gained in areas such as IT administration, software development, digital marketing and advertising, internet publishing and consulting, global media, ecommerce, and user education/training. Having held positions at everything from a single-person bootstrapped startup up through Fortune 500 companies, the team members are exceptionally well-versed in the dynamics of the modern business world and are particularly attuned the cross-cultural issues that can make or break deals and alliances that extend across the ocean. The team has a strong entrepreneurial streak, with members having started several companies and even holding patents for software and commercial consumer products. Although in the past they have held positions in regions such as Toronto, New York City, Tokyo, Houston, and Cleveland, the team is now based at Webrain headquarters in Seattle.
In addition to this team, Webrain has a roster of over 60 additional experts on call, available to provide their unique and specialized insight and skills where and when needed. With this pool of talent, Webrain is always ready to bring the right people and right skills to your project.